June 2021 | Diamond Pulse

Mailed to 25,000 Jewelers Monthly - To advertise call (888) 832-1109 | June 2021 | 41 40 | June 2021 | Diamond Pulse | The Diamond and Jewelry Resource Book 7West 45th St. Ste 707 • NewYork, NY 10036 212-575-9875 office@rajajewels.com • www.rajajewels.com Tradition In Non-Traditional Diamonds Full Cuts Rose Cuts Beads Briolettes Necklaces Earrings Champagne Treated Fancy Colors Black Salt & Pepper Opaque Exhibit in: Las Vegas (JCK), Tucson (AGTA), Atlanta (SJTA), Miami (JIS) Advertise Here for $250/per month 2.875”W x 2.125”H $250