June 2020 - Diamond Pulse Issue

Mailed to 25,000 Jewelers Monthly - To advertise call (888) 832-1109 | June 2020 | 27 26 | June 2020 | Diamond Pulse | The Diamond and Jewelry Res ource Book Designer & Manufacturer of Fine Jewelry 36 West 47th St., Suite 207-209, New York, NY 10036 Tel: (212) 869-0465 Fax: (212) 869-5387 david@IJMinc.com We only use full cut, shiny, clean diamonds. All prices are based on 14kt, and are special wholesale. Please mention this ad when ordering. Digital images are available for your websites. We drop ship. Inc. IJM Come see our full collection in our Showroom on 47th St. and we have many more... Specials N4964P N4964W N4964Y DiamoNDs bY the YarD Necklaces 18” 14 STONES TENNIS BRACELETS BOLO N4964W2-18 $349 0.33 ct 2ptrs N4964W3-18 $449 0.50 ct 3ptrs N4964W5-18 $649 0.75 ct 5ptrs N4964W7-18 $799 1.00 ct 7ptrs N4964W10-18 $1,199 1.50 ct 10ptrs N4964W15-18 $1,799 2.00 ct 15ptrs N4964W20-18 $2,799 3.00 ct 20ptrs Pink, Yellow and White also available in 36” & 54” b5886-1i $599 1 ct b5882-2i $899 2 ct b5882-3i $1,399 3 ct b5882-4i $1,999 4 ct b5882-5i $2,999 5 ct b5882-6i $3,999 6 ct b5882-7i $4,999 7 ct BEST SELLER Buy wITh fuLL CONfIdENCE Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed PAY FOR IT AFTER YOU SEE THE QUALITY b5814-1i $699 1.00 ct 100% NATURAL DIAmONDS