August 2022 | Diamond Pulse

28 | August 2022 | Diamond Pulse | The Diamond and Jewelry Resource Book Mailed to 23,000 Jewelers Monthly - To advertise call (888) 832-1109 | August 2022 | 29 JIS Fall, formerly JIS October, is one of the largest jewelry trade shows and brings together a variety of manufacturers, wholesalers and brands right in time for the holidays, one of the most important restocking seasons of the year. Explore 10+ specialty and international pavilions that feature exhibitors from popular jewelry producing regions, including Italy, Hong Kong, South Africa and Turkey. Register today for JIS Fall to discover the latest trends, enjoy some of best pricing specials of the year and build lasting relationships that will help move your business forward. | +1 (800) 840-5612 R E G I S T E R T O D AY AT J I S FA L L 2 0 2 2 . C OM / L G M S TAY C O N N E C T E D # J I S S H OW CASH-AND-CARRY OR PLACE ORDERS FOR LATER SHIPMENT 500+ SUPPLIERS OF FINISHED JEWELRY AND SERVICES COME FOR JIS, STAY FOR THE VACATION IN MIAMI BEACH! SEPTEMBER 30 – OCTOBER 3, 2022 M I A M I B E A C H C O N V E N T I O N C E N T E R | M I A M I B E A C H , F L SHOP 10+ PAVILIONS INCLUDING: SILVER & FASHION; FINE JEWELRY; THE GALLERIA; EQUIPMENT, TECHNOLOGY & SERVICES (ETS), ITALIAN JEWELRY AND MORE! RESTOCK INVENTORY BEFORE THE HOLIDAYS